Rain & water

- Important information about the tent canvas and moisture.

Our tents are waterproof, but like all other fabrics, they can start to mold if they are moist for a long time. Keep in mind not to leave the tent moist when you fold up your roof tent for longer storage. Always try to have the tent dry. If it rains at night and there is a break in the day, fold up your tent while you stop for lunch, 30-40 minutes is enough time for much of the moisture to dry. Make sure the tent is completely dry before storing it closed for a long time. If you use the tent on a car, we recommend opening the tent as often as possible when it is dry to air it out. There are holes at the corners of the transport cape where moisture and water can enter, even if the tent was dry when you folded it up.


Fabric molds when it is moist for a long time. Therefore, be careful to air out your roof tent (if it is on the car) at least once a week, even if you folded it up dry. Condensation forms when the temperature drops at night (if you are not using the tent). Condensation can form in the tent, even if the tent was dry when you folded it up. Regular drying is recommended!

Here are some steps you can follow to prevent mold on a tent:

1. Wipe the tent thoroughly after each use. Mold thrives in a moist environment, so it is important that the tent is dry when you store it.

2. Store the tent in a dry, cool place. If you do not have the opportunity to store the tent in a garage or shed, consider using a tent cover to protect it from the elements.

3. Ventilate the tent regularly. Open the doors and windows of the tent to allow air to circulate. This will help to prevent condensation from building up inside the tent.

4. Use a dehumidifier. If you are storing the tent in a damp location, consider using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.

5. Clean the tent regularly. Use a mild soap and water to clean the tent, and be sure to dry it thoroughly before storing it.

By following these steps, you can help to ensure that your roof tent stays in good condition for many years to come.

Waterproofness is a term that describes how well a surface resists water. There are many different ways to measure waterproofness, but a common unit is millimeters of water column (mm H₂O). This measurement describes how much water pressure is required for water to penetrate a surface.

Water column is a measure of how well a material resists water by forming a column of water on the surface. The higher the water column, the better the material is at resisting water.

On tents, waterproofness and water column are used to measure how well the tent protects against moisture and rain. A tent with high waterproofness and high water column stays dry inside for longer, providing protection against moisture and discomfort.


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